Allison, Jesse, Vincent Cellucci, and Derick Ostrenko.“Creative Data Mining Diamonds in Dystopia: An Interactive Poetry Web Application.” Media-N,
Uncovering News: Reporting and Forms of New Media Art, fall issue, V12 N. 3, 2017.
Cellucci, Vincent, and Marsha Cuddeback. "Wordless Voices with Words: Event Maps as a Written and Visual Tool for Understanding Design and The Other."
International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, 2016.
Cellucci, Vincent and Peter Summerlin. “Visualizing Contours: Translating Physical Terrain Models to Contours through 3D Scanning.” Council of Educators
in Landscape Architecture (CELA) Annual Conference, 2015.
Cellucci, Vincent, Heather McKillop, and Elizabeth C. Sills. “The Ancient Maya Canoe Paddle and the Canoe from Paynes Creek National Park,
Belize.” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, Vol. 11, 2014, pp. 297-306.
Bosworth, Frank, Vincent Cellucci, and Marsha Cuddeback. "Nascent Narratives: ReViewing Design Presentations.” The International Journal of Literacies,
Volume 19, Issue 1, 2012, pp.75-86. Article: Print (Spiral Bound). Article: Electronic (PDF File; 1.531MB).
Cellucci, Vincent A. "The Trial of Livelihood: Using Textual Representation in Design Presentations." Batture 6 (2010): 74-78. Print.
Link to online edition.
Cellucci, Vincent, T.L. Ritchie, Philip Tebbutt, and Jun Zou. “Improving Concept Statements in the Interior Design Junior Studio Course”,
Interior Design Educator's Council (IDEC) internal conference proceedings, 2010.